Financial Decks

Financial Decks

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Brand Perception Gap Slide PPT Presentation from Deck Gap Analysis Types and Tools Presentation
from deck Gap Analysis Types and Tools Presentation (PPT Template)

Slide content:

This slide presents the Brand Perception Gap within a company. It serves as a model for Renovation. It explains the process of transitioning from Old-Fashioned Brand Image to an Innovative Brand Identity. Brand Image - perceived as old fashion and does not meet GenX expectations. As the final stage is the brand Identity - The brand is recognized as an innovative trendsetter in the industry. Describe your Current State, tell your Innovation Gap and name the Desired State.

Slide Infographic description:

Editable Slide, White Background Slide, Rectangular Infographic Table Design, Grey Infographic Design, Color Frame, Bullet Points, Editable Text Blocks, Grey Curved Arrow Vector, Circle Outline Icon, Flat Icon, Lightbulb Icon, Innovation Icon, Happy Icon, Sad Icon, Smiling and Sad Emoji Icon

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