Financial Decks

Financial Decks

Visualize your results with ease


Slide Content

This PowerPoint slide features a metaphor for a sales or marketing funnel, presented in three stages: Market, Lead, and Client. These represent the progression from a broad audience to actual customers. 'Market' implies the total pool of potential customers, 'Lead' refers to individuals who have shown interest in the product or service, and 'Client' denotes those who have made a purchase, indicating the narrowing process of qualifying prospects and acquiring customers.

Graphical Look

  • The slide comprises a central funnel graphic with three distinct levels, color-coded in teal, green, and purple.
  • Each level of the funnel has a corresponding label: "Market" for the top teal section, "Lead" for the middle green section, and "Client" for the bottom purple section.
  • To the left of the funnel, there are three stick figure icons with 'scribble' designs, each performing actions related to the funnel stages.
  • Arrows with dashed lines lead from one stage to the next, guiding the eye down the funnel.
  • The colors are bright and contrast well against the light background, making the information easy to follow.

The overall look of the slide is clean and playful, with a creative touch given by the scribble-style icons. The colors are engaging, and the layout provides a clear visual representation of the funnel concept.

Use Cases

  • Explaining the sales process and stages during a marketing presentation.
  • Visualizing customer journey and conversion rates in a business strategy meeting.
  • Training new employees on the process of turning market interest into actual sales.
  • Showcasing lead generation and customer acquisition strategies to stakeholders or investors.

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