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Year Summary Monthly Calendar PPT Slide
from deck Yearly Business Review Presentation Template (PPT icons and tables)

Year Summary Monthly Calendar PPT Slide slide content

The Year Summary Monthly Calendar PPT Slide can be used to provide an overview of the key events and milestones that occurred throughout a specific year. You can use it during performance evaluations or goal-setting sessions to evaluate progress and set new objectives. It provides a clear visual representation of the milestones and achievements, enabling productive discussions about individual or team performance and future goals. Each activity is color-coded, allowing for easy differentiation, and can be visually illustrated using creative icons. This slide is fully editable, you can easily copy or delete items. You can download this PPT template on Google Slides and Keynote.

Year Summary Monthly Calendar PPT Slide slide infographics

White Background, Text Box, Colorful Year Summary Monthly Calendar, Document Icon, Approval Form Icon, Thumbs Down Icon, Thumbs Up Icon

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