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- Usage example
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Usage example
All CEE countries have maps with regional administrative divisions. So you can precisely show in which district you are active or plan to be. This PowerPoint template contains text placeholders and call-out boxes with basic economical data of Visegrad countries. You are free to modify it and add your own descriptions.
- Outline maps of Europe and four central EU countries - Polish Republic, Czech Republic, Slovakia Republic, and Hungary. We included also maps with administrative territories (counties) and main city location pins for each country
- Polish flag, Hungarian Flag, Czech Flag, and Slovakian Flag icons
- Geographic location placeholders, icons, and hand-drawn arrows to present specific places on a map e.g. of a POI or regional meeting plan
- Country macro-economy symbols & data: population, density, GDP, capital, transport, production, distribution
- Fully editable maps, vector icons, arrows
Set of vector maps editable in PowerPoint of four Central Eastern Europe with administrative division.
Those countries are called V4 - Visegrad group of countries, as they share a similar location and post-communistic history along with common accession to European Union.
You can use those maps to present local meeting plans, and the location of company headquarters, subsidiaries, factories, and other facilities. You can visually plan the travel plans and supply chain routes by adding various POI icons and drawing arrows between cities, adding transportation means.
For each country, we added an overview of the main geographical and political data, including capital location, GDP, population, and area data. You can use these slides to analyze the local Central European market, for example.
The full list of slides presented in CEE Europe Maps with Administrative Territories diagram:
- Europe and CEE zoomed map.
- Polish, Hungarian and Europe CEE Administrative regions maps, including zoomed map graphics and text frame.
- Geographic and demographic profiles illustrated with maps and basic data of each country: Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia.
- Visegrad group slide with a zoomed map and a short description of each country.
- Municipal influence regions map with transparent circles and data values over Visegrad countries map.
- CEE Europe Maps with location pins and flags for showing strategic country objects.
- Transport and supply chain map: Visegrad countries group (presented with hand-drawn routes, flights and train connections, and flat icons).
Slides included in this PowerPoint Presentation:
How To Edit
How to edit text & colors

How to expand / shorten diagram

How to Replace Icons in infoDiagram PPT