Content-ready Topics
Climate, Sustainability, ESG
Ecology icons: Sustainable Transport and Architecture (flat PPT clipart)
- Reviews
- Usage example
- Description
- How To Edit
Usage example
Sustainable Transport and Architecture - Ecology icons and visuals for sustainability related presentations.
- 18 editable pictogram symbols for sustainability concepts.
- Modes of green transportation, Types of vehicles, Low-energy architecture
- Green transport and green architecture related examples
- Graphical style: Simple flat icons, metro UI style
- Format: fully editable vector shapes in PowerPoint (color, filling, size - no quality loss when zoomed)
Editable Pictograms of Sustainable Transport and Architecture related Ecology sectors
Icons for visualizing ecology related topics. All symbols are as clipart pictures - fully editable in PowerPoint.Package content:
- Sustainable and green transport: Walking, Bike, Car, Carpool, Taxi, Bus, Tram.
- Types of vehicle: Conventional internal combustion engine, Bio-fuel, All-electric, Hydrogen fuel cell, Hybrid electric.
- Low energy architecture: Eco house / sustainable architecture, House insulation, Energy efficient windows, Solar panels, Electric energy saving, Ventilation with heat recovery.
- Four usage examples of transportation, sustainable transporting, fuel types and low energy architecture icons.
- Two slides with all green technology, transport, architecture icons on light and dark background.
Ecology Icons usage examples (Do it yourself infographics)
- Transportation e.q. L gasoline per 100 km per passenger (vertical chart with cliparts)
- Green Transportation pyramid (chart with pictogram)
- Fuel economy (mpq equivalent) (vertical chart with icons)
- Sustainable architecture (diagram infographic)
- for light background,
- for dark background,
- as a standalone symbols,
- as a symbol in the circle shape.
- changing color of the icon filling and its outline
- adding shadows
- changing shape and size, rotating, flipping the object
- putting shapes behind or on top of text
- infoDiagram's contributing designer
- Contact: here
Slides included in this PowerPoint Presentation:
How To Edit
How to edit text & colors

How to expand / shorten diagram

How to Replace Icons in infoDiagram PPT