- Reviews
- Usage example
- Description
- How To Edit
Usage example
Editable graphical elements for PowerPoint - handwritten people figures and shapes with scribble filling
- 42 pictograms of people's business roles and activities that you can use to present various professional or private actitivies, such as coaching, eating, emotions
- 5 diagram shapes: arrows, rectangles and ovals with text
- usage examples: organizational chart, flow diagram, design process
- fully editable color, filling and size in PowerPoint (vector format)
Handwritten People Figures with scribble filling
Handwritten-like icons and cliparts for enhancing PowerPoint presentations
- to illustrate slides by adding pictograms of different role figures
- to create schemas, diagrams and process views
- different role characters: presenting with a flipchart (e.g. marketing), writing with a pen, with a pin, with a camera (e.g. photographer, documentation) with a paintbrush (e.g. art, creation), with a test tube (e.g. research)
- business role characters: man with a computer (e.g. IT), with a cell phone (e.g. cold calling, prospecting, a contact), with a tie (e.g. a manager), man with a suitecase (e.g. a salesman, bussinessman, representative), with an award (or certificate, guarantee), with a paragraph sign (e.g. legal, law)
- professional activities: searching (with magnifying glass), talking (with bubble), reading (with book), cooperating (handshake), producing (with gears), repairing (with wrench)
- private activities: with a heart (loving, with emotions), with a present box (giving, appeciation), with a coffee or tea cup (coffee break time), with a musical note (playing or producing music), with stars above head (dizzy, dreaming), with a cup
- other activities: climbing hill (achieving goals), being at work (factory worker, daytime job), being at home (household), eating (with spoon and fork), sleeping
- basic shapes for diagrams: handwritten arrows, rectangles and ovals with text and scribble filling
- usage examples: organizational structure chart (board, sales, marketing, legal department), a flow diagram, process of design and production (planning, research, creation, production, consumption, service)
- changing contour color of the icon
- changing color of the scribble filling
- adding shadows
- changing shape and size, rotating, flipping the object
- putting shapes behind or on top of text
- Prezentio.com designers
- Contact: here
Slides included in this PowerPoint Presentation:
How To Edit
How to edit text & colors

How to expand / shorten diagram

How to Replace Icons in infoDiagram PPT