- Reviews
- Usage example
- Description
- How To Edit
Usage example
Editable graphical elements for PowerPoint - handwritten symbols and shapes
- 33 symbols: people, pictograms, charts
- 80 shapes: arrows, circles, blocks, rectangles with text
- 13 usage examples of schemas and diagrams
- fully editable style, size and color in PowerPoint (vector format)
Handwritten symbols and shapes for enhancing PowerPoint presentations
- to illustrate slides by adding pictograms
- to underline text
- to create schemas, diagrams, process views
- symbols and pictograms: people, OK sign, idea - lightbulb, goals - bullseye, flipchart, PostIt memo, comparisons, trends, charts, threats - lighting, service - key, house, factory, magnifier, process - gearbox
- shapes: arrows, cycles, circles, 2D and 3D blocks for block schemas, rectangles with text
- usage examples of schemas and diagrams: market map, interpersonal communication schema, process phases, cycle phases, highlighting words in text and table
- changing fill color (plain, gradient, setting transparency)
- adding shadows
- changing contour color
- changing shape and size
- adding text inside the shapes
- Prezentio.com
- Kontakt: infoDiagram
Slides included in this PowerPoint Presentation:
How To Edit
How to edit text & colors

How to expand / shorten diagram

How to Replace Icons in infoDiagram PPT