This slide is a part of: Calendars 2025 timelines graphics US format (PPT tables and icons)
Icons: Event Colors, Deadlines Signs
Slide Content
The slide discusses customizable iconography that can be used to represent various projects or deadlines, with an emphasis on color coding and symbols signifying different events. Illustrated are eight distinct icons, labeled from Project 1 to Project 8, and four additional icons coded with letters A to D. Each project icon comes in a different color and pattern, which could represent categories, phases, or priority levels in project management, while the top row features map pinpoint icons with different symbols.
Graphical Look
- The slide background is white, providing a clean and minimalist canvas for the content.
- At the top, a ribbon banner holds the slide title in dark text.
- Underneath the title banner, there is a contrasting teal banner labeled "Fully editable" in white text.
- Four map pinpoint icons are displayed in two rows, each differing in color and an additional symbol – plain, empty circle, star, and striped border.
- A light gray horizontal line separates the title area from the lower project icons.
- The lower section of the slide shows eight square icons with solid or striped patterns, aligned in two rows, each corresponding to a unique project label.
- A blue horizontal line with text "Editable filling, shadow, text..." sits above the project icons.
- The icons and the labels for projects are color-coordinated, with each square or stripe to the left of its corresponding label.
The overall look of the slide is professional and modern, with a clear distinction between elements due to the use of contrasting colors and simple geometric shapes. The icons are neatly organized and labeled, facilitating easy understanding of the categories or status each represents.
Use Cases
- To visually categorize different stages of multiple projects in a project management presentation.
- For prioritizing tasks or milestones, where each color and pattern could represent a different priority level during a planning meeting.
- To highlight various locations, such as branches or event venues in a geographic representation ## Icons: Event Colors, Deadlines Signs
Slide Content
The slide "Icons: Event Colors, Deadlines Signs" displays a set of customizable map pinpoint icons and project markers, suggesting their use for event and deadline tracking. The top row consists of four map icons indicating various features, such as plain or starred, while the bottom two rows display eight color-coded project markers that may signify different statuses, priorities, or types of events. These are labeled 'Project 1' to 'Project 8' with additional 'Project A' to 'Project D' accompanied by striped patterns, indicating further categorization or sub-projects.
Graphical Look
- The title of the slide is presented in dark text against a white background, with a light blue, partially transparent horizontal band behind it.
- Below the title, a teal banner with the text "Fully editable" stands out on the left, implying the customizability of the icons.
- The top section of the slide features four map pinpoint icons in different styles and colors: light blue, dark blue with an empty ring, dark blue with a star, and red with a star.
- A light grey horizontal divider separates the title section from the icon examples.
- The lower part of the slide contains a series of eight color-coded square icons aligned horizontally, each labeled as 'Project' followed by a number or letter, using various solid and striped fills to denote different categories or statuses.
- A horizontal line with the phrase "Editable filling, shadow, text..." is positioned just above the square icons, indicating the editable properties of the elements.
- The icon labels are minimal, using sans-serif font for clarity.
The slide has a clean and organized design with a vibrant color palette that effectively distinguishes between different icons and categories. Icons and text are smartly aligned, ensuring a well-structured presentation of content.
Use Cases
- In a business presentation, to distinguish between multiple projects or events on a timeline or map.
Icons: Event Colors, Deadlines Signs
Slide Content
The PowerPoint slide titled "Icons: Event Colors, Deadlines Signs" showcases a set of map pinpoint icons and color-coded markers representing various projects or deadlines. The icons are meant to be fully customizable, as indicated by the banners suggesting editable filling, shadow, and text. There are four map pinpoint icons with different symbols and colors, followed by eight project markers that pair a color or pattern with a project designation, from "Project 1" to "Project 8" and "Project A" to "Project D," potentially serving as a visual reference for project status, type, or location.
Graphical Look
- Slide title in a dark font on a white background with a horizontal blue overlay supporting it for emphasis.
- A teal banner to the left indicating "Fully editable" to imply the customizability of the icons.
- Four map pinpoint icons, designed with simple geometrical shapes and flat colors, each incorporating a different symbol (circle, empty ring, star) or pattern (striped border), are laid out horizontally across the slide.
- A thin grey line runs across the slide, dividing it between the top section of icons and the bottom section of square markers.
- Eight square markers with various solid and striped color fills are aligned in two horizontal rows at the bottom of the slide, and each is associated with a project label.
- The phrase "Editable filling, shadow, text..." overlays a light blue horizontal line above the square markers, signaling the editable nature of these elements.
- A consistent and clean sans-serif font is used for all text elements.
The slide presents a modern and sleek design, with a well-organized layout and a color scheme that aids in differentiating the various elements. The icons and text are easy to interpret, minimizing visual clutter while retaining informational value.
Use Cases
- To visually differentiate project statuses, deadlines, or event types in project management presentations.
- As part of a ## Icons: Event Colors, Deadlines Signs
Slide Content
The PowerPoint slide titled "Icons: Event Colors, Deadlines Signs" features a collection of customizable icons for mapping and categorizing projects by color and symbol. At the top, four map pinpoint icons are differentiated by color (light blue, dark blue, yellow, red) and additional symbols (plain, circle, star). Below, eight project icons represented by colored squares indicate different projects using color coding and patterns (solid and striped) for further distinction between projects, with labels from "Project 1" to "Project 8" and also "Project A" to "Project D".
Graphical Look
- The slide's headline reads "Icons: Event Colors, Deadlines Signs" in large, bold text over a partly translucent light blue horizontal bar.
- A ribbon banner in teal, marked "Fully editable," suggests that the elements on the slide can be customized.
- Four map pinpoint icons appear on the upper half, varying in color (light blue, dark blue, yellow, and red), with one empty, one with an outline, one filled with a star, and one with a star within a dark border.
- A section separator is illustrated by a pale gray line beneath the pinpoint icons.
- Eight smaller square icons are arranged below the separator, each filled with a different color and some with diagonal stripes, accompanied by text labels "Project 1" to "Project 8" and "Project A" to "Project D."
- Descriptive text "Editable filling, shadow, text..." is placed over a horizontal blue line above the square icons.
The slide has a clean, professional aesthetic with a structured layout that facilitates easy understanding. The use of color, shape, and text creates a visually pleasing hierarchy of information.
Use Cases
- For project management presentations to indicate the status or category of different projects using color codes.
- In strategy meetings to visually represent various project phases or deadlines on slides.
Icons: Event Colors, Deadlines Signs
Slide Content
The PowerPoint slide entitled "Icons: Event Colors, Deadlines Signs" displays a collection of customizable icons that can be used to visually differentiate events or project stages based on color and symbol. Four map pinpoint-shaped icons at the top, each featuring a unique element—plain, circular outline, star, or striped pattern—suggest a variety of marker options for locations. Below, a set of eight square icons representing "Project 1" to "Project 8" and "Project A" to "Project D" showcase diverse color coding and pattern possibilities for organizing project information or deadlines.
Graphical Look
- The slide title is featured in bold, dark text on a white background, with a blue graphic overlay giving depth to the title.
- A teal ribbon-like banner on the left states "Fully editable," indicating that the slide content can be customized.
- Four map pinpoint icons are displayed horizontally across the top half of the slide, each differing by color (two shades of blue, one orange, one red) and central design (blank, ring, star symbol, and border pattern).
- A light grey line separates the map icons from the lower section of the slide.
- Eight square icons are arranged in two rows, each with a distinct color and some featuring a striped pattern, next to text labels from "Project 1" to "Project 8" and "Project A" to "Project D."
- A phrase "Editable filling, shadow, text..." is placed above the square icons on a thin blue horizontal line.
The slide employs a clean and professional format, with a clear visual separation of elements and a mix of vibrant colors to create a visually engaging and informative display. The combination of simple geometric shapes and concise labels offers ease of understanding at a glance.
Use Cases
- To differentiate project milestones or status updates in project management presentations.
- For indicating event types or deadlines in a timeline format during planning meetings ## Icons: Event Colors, Deadlines Signs
Slide Content
The slide, titled "Icons: Event Colors, Deadlines Signs," presents a set of fully editable icons that can be used to denote different projects or deadlines, emphasizing the role of color and design in visual organization. The slide exhibits map pin icons with varying fill colors and symbols—plain, ring, star, and border pattern—above a collection of colorful project markers labeled "Project 1" through "Project 8" and "Project A" through "Project D," each with distinctive colors and patterns for easy identification.
Graphical Look
- Title presented in a large, dark font against a white background with a lighter blue overlay for visual separation.
- A teal-colored banner highlights the text "Fully editable" suggesting customization options for slide elements.
- A series of map pin icons, differentiated by color and central symbols, are aligned horizontally across the upper part of the slide.
- A subtle grey line neatly separates the icon section from the lower part of the slide.
- Below the line, there are eight square icons arranged in two rows, with unique color fills (including plain and striped patterns), each paired with a project label.
- The words "Editable filling, shadow, text..." are layered on a light blue strip just above the project icons, indicating their editable properties.
The visual design of the slide is clean and organized, featuring a balance of colorful icons and minimalistic labels. This design fosters quick comprehension and appeals to a professional aesthetic.
Use Cases
- Utilized in strategic business presentations to symbolize projects, events, or deadlines with clear color-coded distinctions.
- Adopted in project management overviews where each icon can denote a specific task or milestone, making the status of the project easy to follow.
- Employed during workshops or seminars to explain the process of mapping events or actions within a business context, demonstrating how visual cues facilitate organization.
Icons: Event Colors, Deadlines Signs
Fully editable slide
compatible with PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote
This slide can be purchased as a part of a content-ready deck or individually through a subscription