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Computer and Mobile Devices Types PPT Template
from deck IT Icons: Mobile & Smart Devices, Computer & Telecom Networks (PPT Template)

Computer and Mobile Devices Types PPT Template slide content

The Computer and Mobile Devices Types PPT Template shows a diagram illustrating the main desktop and mobile devices in the modern business environment. It is divided into two main sections: "Computer Devices" and "Mobile Devices”. The “Computer Devices” section highlights a range of devices commonly used in business settings. The “Mobile Devices” section demonstrates the smartphones and tablets used in the modern business landscape. Each section is color-coded, allowing you to differentiate easily between them. We have added space for you to describe each section briefly, and you can illustrate your ideas with creative icons. This PPT slide is part of the Mobile & Smart Devices, Computer & Telecom Networks slide deck. Click on the picture to see the whole presentation. You can download this PPT template on Google Slides and Keynote.

Computer and Mobile Devices Types PPT Template slide infographics

White Background, Text Box, Bullet Points, Laptop Icon, Personal Computer Icon, PC Icon, Desktop Computer Icon, Smartphone Icon, Tablet Icon, Smartwatch Icon

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