Financial Decks

Financial Decks

Visualize your results with ease

Competitor market share comparison doughnut chart
from deck Pie and Donuts Chart Data-driven Graphics (PPT Template)

We - Competitor Market Share Comparison Doughnut Chart Template

Slide Content

The PowerPoint slide titled "We - Competitor Market Share Comparison Doughnut Chart Template" presents a visual comparison of market share between 'We' and 'Competition'. The slide highlights a central doughnut chart dividing market share into two segments: one representing 'We' with 65% and the other showing 'Competition' with 35%. Each side of the doughnut chart has an associated text box for further descriptions - the left side labeled 'We' and the right labeled 'Competition', urging the presenter to add specific chart descriptions in the placeholder text areas.

Graphical Look

  • A large, central doughnut chart with two segments, one in dark teal and the other in orange, indicating different market shares.
  • On the left side, a gray text box overlaid with a faint circle that houses an icon of a box with an upward arrow, intended to symbolize 'We'.
  • The right side mirrors the left with a gray text box and circle icon, this time featuring an icon of a folder, representing 'Competition'.
  • A bold horizontal colored line underlines each label ('We' and 'Competition'), in corresponding dark teal and green to match the chart.
  • Perforated lines above the text boxes contain the note "All Charts are Data-Driven Excel Charts".

The overall look of the slide is professional and clean, with a balanced layout and a central focus on the doughnut chart. The use of icons and coordinated colors gives it a cohesive and polished appearance.

Use Cases

  • Presenting market analysis and share distribution to stakeholders or investors.
  • Discussing competitive landscape during internal strategic meetings.
  • Illustrating company growth or decline in market positioning in annual reports.
  • Showcasing key metrics during a marketing or sales presentation.

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