Financial Decks

Financial Decks

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Due diligence audits framework slide
from deck Due Diligence Process, Types, Checklists Diagrams (PPT Template)

Due Diligence Audits Framework

Slide Content:

This slide shows a diagram of the due diligence audits framework, which is a process used to assess the risks and potential opportunities of a business before investing in it or acquiring it. The framework consists of nine key areas:

  • Compatibility: This area assesses the fit between the business and the investor's investment strategy.
  • Macro-environment: This area assesses the economic, political, and social factors that could impact the business.
  • Marketing: This area assesses the business's marketing strategy and its ability to reach and retain customers.
  • Management: This area assesses the quality of the business's management team and its ability to execute its strategy.
  • Reconciliation: This area compares the business's financial statements to its actual financial performance.
  • Production: This area assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of the business's production process.
  • Information systems: This area assesses the quality of the business's information systems and its ability to support its operations and decision-making.
  • Financial: This area assesses the business's financial health and its ability to generate cash flow and profits.
  • Legal/environmental: This area assesses the business's compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as its environmental impact.

Graphical Look:

The slide has a simple, but effective, graphical design. The diagram of the due diligence audits framework is prominently displayed in the center of the slide. The text on the slide is clearly laid out and easy to read. The slide uses a blue-and-green color scheme, which is professional and visually appealing.

Where to use such a slide:

You can use a slide like this to introduce the due diligence audits framework to a variety of audiences, including:

  • Potential investors
  • Potential acquirers
  • Management teams
  • Board of directors
  • Employees

The slide can be used in a variety of settings, such as:

  • Pitch presentations
  • Due diligence meetings
  • Board meetings
  • Training sessions

A slide like this can be used to provide a high-level overview of the due diligence audits framework and to explain the importance of each key area. It can also be used to highlight specific areas of concern or to discuss the findings of a due diligence audit.

For example, you could use this slide to introduce the due diligence audits framework to a potential investor. You could then use the slide to walk the investor through each key area of the framework and explain how you will assess each area.

You could also use this slide to discuss the findings of a due diligence audit with your management team. You could highlight any areas of concern and discuss how you will address them.

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