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Financial Report and Performance Indicators Presentation (PPT Template)
Revenue Analysis over YearData Chart with Split by Quarters and Channels
This slide is a part of: Financial Report and Performance Indicators Presentation (PPT Template)
Revenue Analysis over Year
Slide Content:
The PowerPoint slide is a data chart that shows the revenue analysis over the year. It is split by quarters and channels. The chart shows that in total, 1st quarter had 29% share of the revenue, with the predominant revenue driver in the 2nd quarter. The chart is editable. There is also a text box so you can write a brief explanation.
Graphical Look:
- The slide has a simple and clean design, with a white background and black text.
- The title of the slide is displayed in a large, bold font at the top of the slide.
- The main content of the slide is a data chart that is split by quarters and channels.
- The data chart bars are in different colors.
- There is a comments section on the right side.
Revenue Analysis over YearData Chart with Split by Quarters and Channels
Fully editable slide
compatible with PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote
Google Slides
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