Financial Decks

Financial Decks

Visualize your results with ease

RICE Score Tables Template - Prioritization Score Model Slide
from deck RICE Prioritization Score Tables (PPT Template)

This slide contains RICE score tables examples of a product you're currently working on developing or improving. We left out space for up to eight features, however, you can add or delete extra columns according to your needs. We have presented it with a non-automatic table for manual editing and added a hand-drawn marker, and a comment field for any additional remarks you would like to add. Explain each of the feature's impact through the RICE elements, and the final score. Then you can present this PowerPoint template to your team and explain your analysis conclusion.

Slide infographic description:

RICE Scoring Table. Table Column Layout Design, Colorful Ribbon Banner, Text Block, Scoring Level Icon, Outline Icons

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