School Calendars 2015 2016 graphics (US date format, PPT tables and icons)
- Reviews
- Usage example
- Description
- How To Edit
Usage example
Predesigned School Year Calendars 2015-2016 and Timelines graphics editable in PowerPoint
- 56 calendar tables – Semesters timeline, Monthly calendars, bimonthly, quarters
- Yearly timeplans, School Project plans calendars (4 diagrams)
- Calendar graphics (31 icons): Event flags, Pins, Sticky Notes, Handdrawn markers and duration arrows, Deadlines signs
- US weekdays calendar format
- fully editable style, size and colors
School Year Calendars 2015-2016 - package content:
- Editable PowerPoint Tables - monthly calendars with weekdays, two months, quarters
- Yearly plans 2015, Timeline and Yearly calendars
- Project plan calendar tables for marking start, end, duration of the tasks and projects Gantt charts
- Calendar graphics - as editable icons Flags & pins, Event Colors, Deadlines Signs, Handdrawn markers and arrows, Sticky Notes, Signs and Time Icons
- 28 tables of US format calendars ( Monthly calendars, Monthly calendars with place for notes, Two-month calendars, Quarterly calendars )
- changing color of the icon filling and its outline
- adding shadows
- changing shape and size, rotating, flipping the object
- putting shapes behind or on top of text
- Contact: here
Slides included in this PowerPoint Presentation:
How To Edit
How to edit text & colors

How to expand / shorten diagram

How to Replace Icons in infoDiagram PPT