This slide is a part of: Maps of African Countries (PPT icons Population, GDP, transport)
Icons: Population, Area, and Time
Slide Content
The PowerPoint slide is titled "Icons: Population, Area, and Time" and presents a collection of pictograms representing various concepts. The icon for "Area" shows a grid of squares, indicating a sectioned or mapped space. "Population" is depicted by multiple individual figures, signifying a group of people. Lastly, "Population density" combines the grid and figures to demonstrate the concentration of individuals within an area. Beneath these icons is another label, "Editable filling, shadow, and reflection...", paired with icons illustrating these design features—a standard person icon, a clock to possibly signify time or schedules, a duo of people indicating relationships or demographics, and a trio of people with one highlighted, which may symbolize focus or selection within a population.
Graphical Look
- The slide background is white, providing a clean and neutral canvas for the content.
- A bold teal ribbon at the top left corner with the text "Fully Editable" signifies that the content is customizable.
- Three main content rows, each comprising of icons and respective labels underneath.
- The first row contains icons for "Area," "Population," and "Population density" in dark purple, each with a label in a lighter shade of purple.
- The second row describes design features and includes a purple clock icon, person icon, and two-person icon – all with editable visual aspects denoted by lighter purple descriptive text.
- The third row features a variation in color with person icons in purple, blue, and teal to showcase the customization options.
- Each icon is a simple, flat design with a modest drop shadow effect for a sense of depth.
- The descriptive text for each icon is concise and placed directly below the icons in a smaller font for clarity.
- Minimal use of color, with purple, teal, and blue providing a professional and modern palette.
The PowerPoint slide boasts a minimalist and professional design with a consistent and harmonious color scheme that emphasizes the icons. The layout is well-organized and uniformly spaced, offering a clean visual experience which clearly conveys the purpose of each pictogram.
Use Cases
- To illustrate demographic information in a business or marketing plan.
- In a geographical analysis presentation showing land use, population spread, or urban planning.
- Within educational materials to visually explain concepts related to sociology or human geography.
- As part of an NGO or government presentation discussing population-related statistics, such as during a community development meeting.
Icons Transport Lorry Vehicle Plane Train Ship symbol
Fully editable slide
compatible with PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote
This slide can be purchased as a part of a content-ready deck or individually through a subscription