Financial Decks

Financial Decks

Visualize your results with ease

Venn diagram intended to illustrate the best customer
from deck Venn Intersection Diagrams Template (PPT graphics)

Venn Diagram Template Example PPT Slide - 2 circle shapes

This PowerPoint slide contains diagram representing common quality of marketing persona for Automotive industry. A person who does not have a car but travels a lot.

What Does This Venn Diagram Template Slide Include?

  • 2 overlapping circles with example content and icon in the common section
  • text description headers
  • editable shapes you can move, recolor or resize

This slide is part of the bigger Venn Diagrams slide deck, where you can find - dozen of Venn diagram variations - 3 circles, 4, 5 and more - icons for diagram categories - instruction how to use and fill Venn diagrams

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